Genesis 18:10-12
[God said,] "your wife Sarah will have a son." Now Sarah was listening to this conversation from the tent nearby. And since Abraham and Sarah were both very old, and Sarah was long past the age of having children, she laughed silently to herself. "How could a worn-out woman like me have a baby?". (NLT)
"Some of God's promises seem impossible. That's what Sarah thought, too. But sure enough, God's promises came true. They always do. What promises are hard for you to believe?"
-BibleLeague Verse of Day
What a timely verse... Coming the day before Passion 2011 Ft Worth, where I would be reminded of many dreams and visions that God has given and have yet to come to pass. .. Father I am holding out for You, because I KNOW, in my deepest being, that You God are indeed Faithful.
"Heart shattered lives ready for love don't for a moment escape God's notice." -Psalm 51:17; The Message
"Here's what I want: Give me a God-listening heart so I can lead your people well, discerning the difference between good and evil. For who on their own is capable of leading your glorious people?"
-1 Kings 3:9 ( MSG)
-1 Kings 3:9 ( MSG)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the presence of faith."
-Author Unknown
-Author Unknown
Thursday, March 31, 2011
God's Promises Are True
Genesis 18:10-12
[God said,] "your wife Sarah will have a son." Now Sarah was listening to this conversation from the tent nearby. And since Abraham and Sarah were both very old, and Sarah was long past the age of having children, she laughed silently to herself. "How could a worn-out woman like me have a baby?". (NLT)
"Some of God's promises seem impossible. That's what Sarah thought, too. But sure enough, God's promises came true. They always do. What promises are hard for you to believe?"
-BibleLeague Verse of Day
What a timely verse... Coming the day before Passion 2011 Ft Worth, where I would be reminded of many dreams and visions that God has given and have yet to come to pass. .. Father I am holding out for You, because I KNOW, in my deepest being, that You God are indeed Faithful.
[God said,] "your wife Sarah will have a son." Now Sarah was listening to this conversation from the tent nearby. And since Abraham and Sarah were both very old, and Sarah was long past the age of having children, she laughed silently to herself. "How could a worn-out woman like me have a baby?". (NLT)
"Some of God's promises seem impossible. That's what Sarah thought, too. But sure enough, God's promises came true. They always do. What promises are hard for you to believe?"
-BibleLeague Verse of Day
What a timely verse... Coming the day before Passion 2011 Ft Worth, where I would be reminded of many dreams and visions that God has given and have yet to come to pass. .. Father I am holding out for You, because I KNOW, in my deepest being, that You God are indeed Faithful.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
God Things Happen to Those Who Wait
A Passage that spoke to me about our journey of waiting... FYI this passage was sent to me two days before Sarah would be released from the hospital....
“I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry.” Psalm 40:1
"Patient people wait on God’s best. God things happen to those who are patient—those who wait. Patience is a virtue, but it is also a vehicle in which the Lord delivers His blessings. Like a loyal wife waiting for the gift of her husband’s return from war, so those who love Jesus wait on Him to return. Patience waits on God to rain down His favor.
'Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain' (James 5:7).
However, as we wait we pray and we prepare. We pray for patience—knowing that Jesus Christ is completely trustworthy. We pray for boldness to declare God’s truth to those who have yet to fall in love with Jesus. Waiting is also the Lord’s time to prepare our character. Our character has to keep up with our success for us to remain successful.
'Tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character' (Romans 5:3b-4a).
Yes, it is hard to be patient when you really want something. But, why do you want what you want? Is your motive aligned with what the Almighty wants for you? Your heavenly Father knows what you need and when you are able to handle His blessing. Pride demands to have things now, but humility sees the worth in wisely waiting.
Your tension may be the normal desire to have a husband or a wife. Or, maybe you feel trapped financially or your job is a dead end road. You seem to be doing the right things, but you are not happy with your progress. Thus, while you wait, focus on your intimacy with Jesus, and let Him do a work of greater grace in your heart. Enjoy what you already have and you will appreciate whatever else you get. Like Job, wait on God to give back more than before.
'As you know, we count as blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy' (James 5:11).
Patience is the fruit of the Spirit—it resides with God—but it is available for His children. So, seek the fullness of the Holy Spirit each day. Wait for and anticipate good gifts from your heavenly Father. Christ manages the clock of life, so rest and regroup during His timeouts. So, in the parenthesis of time enjoy living for the Lord and others. Patience waits.
'And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised' (Hebrews 6:15).
How can I enjoy God and others during this time of waiting? Who can I serve?"
-Boyd Bailey, Wisdom Hunters Daily Devotional
“I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry.” Psalm 40:1
"Patient people wait on God’s best. God things happen to those who are patient—those who wait. Patience is a virtue, but it is also a vehicle in which the Lord delivers His blessings. Like a loyal wife waiting for the gift of her husband’s return from war, so those who love Jesus wait on Him to return. Patience waits on God to rain down His favor.
'Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain' (James 5:7).
However, as we wait we pray and we prepare. We pray for patience—knowing that Jesus Christ is completely trustworthy. We pray for boldness to declare God’s truth to those who have yet to fall in love with Jesus. Waiting is also the Lord’s time to prepare our character. Our character has to keep up with our success for us to remain successful.
'Tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character' (Romans 5:3b-4a).
Yes, it is hard to be patient when you really want something. But, why do you want what you want? Is your motive aligned with what the Almighty wants for you? Your heavenly Father knows what you need and when you are able to handle His blessing. Pride demands to have things now, but humility sees the worth in wisely waiting.
Your tension may be the normal desire to have a husband or a wife. Or, maybe you feel trapped financially or your job is a dead end road. You seem to be doing the right things, but you are not happy with your progress. Thus, while you wait, focus on your intimacy with Jesus, and let Him do a work of greater grace in your heart. Enjoy what you already have and you will appreciate whatever else you get. Like Job, wait on God to give back more than before.
'As you know, we count as blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy' (James 5:11).
Patience is the fruit of the Spirit—it resides with God—but it is available for His children. So, seek the fullness of the Holy Spirit each day. Wait for and anticipate good gifts from your heavenly Father. Christ manages the clock of life, so rest and regroup during His timeouts. So, in the parenthesis of time enjoy living for the Lord and others. Patience waits.
'And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised' (Hebrews 6:15).
How can I enjoy God and others during this time of waiting? Who can I serve?"
-Boyd Bailey, Wisdom Hunters Daily Devotional
Sunday, March 27, 2011
I Will Follow
When EN GEDI was established in Sept/Oct 2010, I Will Follow, by Chris Tomlin had just hit the airwaves. As a band, Sarah asked us to make this our Theme Song... In Novemener I came across this devotional from Chris' own pen (or fingers) and I want to share it with you, as a heart behind the song and a heart behind us as a band.. We desire to follow Him!!
"I Will Follow:" A Devotional from Chris
"The chorus of this song makes some pretty bold claims: Who you love, I’ll love. How you serve, I’ll serve. Where you go I’ll go. Even if I lose my life I’ll follow you. While those words might be a true expression of the heart, when we hear them coming out of our own mouths it should still be a little sobering. Are we really considering the implications of what we’re saying?
Or are we just speaking with bravado the way the Apostle Peter did in his early days of following Jesus? After all, he was the brash one, the impulsive one who was always making those sorts of big, bold statements. He told Jesus things like 'Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you.'
But when Jesus was arrested, those claims fell apart. Peter ran and hid and even renounced Jesus. Thankfully, that failure wasn’t the end of Peter’s story. In time, God’s grace and power would transform him into a man whose boldness was based on God’s strength rather than his own. But it cost him something to get to that point of understanding what following Jesus was really all about.
Mark chapter 8 contains what must have been one of the most difficult and pivotal points in Peter’s journey as a disciple, and it illuminates something about our own hearts as well. In this passage Jesus is explaining plainly to the twelve how he was soon going to have to suffer and die. Peter takes him aside and rebukes him for saying such things. Jesus responds with his shocking 'Get behind me, Satan,' and then explains: 'You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.'
Then Jesus gathers the crowd around him and elaborates: 'If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it.'Jesus knew beforehand the road of suffering he would walk in faithful obedience. He was explaining God’s plan of redemption to his followers.
But Peter—and probably the other disciples too—already had set in their own minds a different version of how God’s salvation for Israel was going to unfold. Most likely they were still dreaming of the day when Jesus—with the twelve of them on his right and his left commanding the thousands that would rally to their cause—would take up the sword to drive the Romans out of Jerusalem and restore all things to their rightful place. At the very least, the idea of a suffering and dying messiah wasn’t part of Peter’s plans. When he had signed up to follow the Christ, it certainly wasn’t for that.That’s probably why Peter pulled his master aside and rebuked him for his talk of being humiliated and put to death.
You have to wonder if Peter’s rebuke of Jesus was born out of fear. Because what Jesus was revealing was threatening the dream that Peter had invested his hope in. And yet, what Peter had in mind was not what God had in mind. How often do we find ourselves in similar positions—feeling disappointed, or angry or scared because God’s plans turned out to be something very different from our own expectations?In time Peter did respond in the only way a disciple can, by laying down his own ambitions and embracing what it meant to truly follow.
At the end he even willingly gave his life for Christ. But I think the hard work of divestment from the things and hopes and dreams of this world was already complete by the time Peter allowed himself to be nailed to a physical cross. I think the hardest step for Peter must have come the moment right after this conversation in Mark 8, because that was the moment he realized this business of being a disciple, of following Jesus, was not about seeing his own agenda accomplished and his own dreams fulfilled. It was about seeing them crucified, and surrendering them to God’s greater purposes instead.Isn’t that still what it means for anyone to follow Jesus? It means that we lay down our own agendas and hopes and dreams, and faithfully obey day by day.
It’s a daily dying to self—the crucifying of our own petty and self-centered desires so that we might more clearly reflect Christ to the people around us. In the end, it’s not about bravado and bold statements. It’s about simple, ongoing obedience to the words of our Lord. To say 'I will follow' is really not so different from saying 'Help me every hour to die to my own desires, Jesus, so that you can live more fully through me.'"
-Chris Tomlin , 11-22-10,
Father, may my failures not be the end.... transform me into a women whose boldness is based on Your strength rather than my own-- That no matter what happens... no matter what the cost, that I would base my life on following You. Father, forgive me when I do not have the things of You in my mind, when I do respond to You and to Your callings out of my own fear rather than out of a life and a heart of trust.
I confess that I, like Peter, have set my mind on how your plan for my life will unfold, when I feel my dreams, that I have invested my time, my hope and my life being threatened, that I have felt disappointed, scared and angry at You. I wonder how Your plan could be so very different from my own expectations, when I feel like I've been seeking You and Your heart all along the way... where could I have turned astray? Where did I go wrong?
Father, I don't want to live one more day, I don't want to waste one more day, not following You... not resting and trusting in who You are. I yearn to lay down my own ambitions and to truly embrace what it means to truly follow. May this be that moment for me, that I would realize the business of being a disciple -- of following You--- that it is not about seeing my own agenda realized and my own dreams fulfilled, but instead it is about seeing my agenda and my dreams crucified and surrendering them to Your Greater Purposes instead.
"I Will Follow:" A Devotional from Chris
"The chorus of this song makes some pretty bold claims: Who you love, I’ll love. How you serve, I’ll serve. Where you go I’ll go. Even if I lose my life I’ll follow you. While those words might be a true expression of the heart, when we hear them coming out of our own mouths it should still be a little sobering. Are we really considering the implications of what we’re saying?
Or are we just speaking with bravado the way the Apostle Peter did in his early days of following Jesus? After all, he was the brash one, the impulsive one who was always making those sorts of big, bold statements. He told Jesus things like 'Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you.'
But when Jesus was arrested, those claims fell apart. Peter ran and hid and even renounced Jesus. Thankfully, that failure wasn’t the end of Peter’s story. In time, God’s grace and power would transform him into a man whose boldness was based on God’s strength rather than his own. But it cost him something to get to that point of understanding what following Jesus was really all about.
Mark chapter 8 contains what must have been one of the most difficult and pivotal points in Peter’s journey as a disciple, and it illuminates something about our own hearts as well. In this passage Jesus is explaining plainly to the twelve how he was soon going to have to suffer and die. Peter takes him aside and rebukes him for saying such things. Jesus responds with his shocking 'Get behind me, Satan,' and then explains: 'You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.'
Then Jesus gathers the crowd around him and elaborates: 'If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it.'Jesus knew beforehand the road of suffering he would walk in faithful obedience. He was explaining God’s plan of redemption to his followers.
But Peter—and probably the other disciples too—already had set in their own minds a different version of how God’s salvation for Israel was going to unfold. Most likely they were still dreaming of the day when Jesus—with the twelve of them on his right and his left commanding the thousands that would rally to their cause—would take up the sword to drive the Romans out of Jerusalem and restore all things to their rightful place. At the very least, the idea of a suffering and dying messiah wasn’t part of Peter’s plans. When he had signed up to follow the Christ, it certainly wasn’t for that.That’s probably why Peter pulled his master aside and rebuked him for his talk of being humiliated and put to death.
You have to wonder if Peter’s rebuke of Jesus was born out of fear. Because what Jesus was revealing was threatening the dream that Peter had invested his hope in. And yet, what Peter had in mind was not what God had in mind. How often do we find ourselves in similar positions—feeling disappointed, or angry or scared because God’s plans turned out to be something very different from our own expectations?In time Peter did respond in the only way a disciple can, by laying down his own ambitions and embracing what it meant to truly follow.
At the end he even willingly gave his life for Christ. But I think the hard work of divestment from the things and hopes and dreams of this world was already complete by the time Peter allowed himself to be nailed to a physical cross. I think the hardest step for Peter must have come the moment right after this conversation in Mark 8, because that was the moment he realized this business of being a disciple, of following Jesus, was not about seeing his own agenda accomplished and his own dreams fulfilled. It was about seeing them crucified, and surrendering them to God’s greater purposes instead.Isn’t that still what it means for anyone to follow Jesus? It means that we lay down our own agendas and hopes and dreams, and faithfully obey day by day.
It’s a daily dying to self—the crucifying of our own petty and self-centered desires so that we might more clearly reflect Christ to the people around us. In the end, it’s not about bravado and bold statements. It’s about simple, ongoing obedience to the words of our Lord. To say 'I will follow' is really not so different from saying 'Help me every hour to die to my own desires, Jesus, so that you can live more fully through me.'"
-Chris Tomlin , 11-22-10,
Father, may my failures not be the end.... transform me into a women whose boldness is based on Your strength rather than my own-- That no matter what happens... no matter what the cost, that I would base my life on following You. Father, forgive me when I do not have the things of You in my mind, when I do respond to You and to Your callings out of my own fear rather than out of a life and a heart of trust.
I confess that I, like Peter, have set my mind on how your plan for my life will unfold, when I feel my dreams, that I have invested my time, my hope and my life being threatened, that I have felt disappointed, scared and angry at You. I wonder how Your plan could be so very different from my own expectations, when I feel like I've been seeking You and Your heart all along the way... where could I have turned astray? Where did I go wrong?
Father, I don't want to live one more day, I don't want to waste one more day, not following You... not resting and trusting in who You are. I yearn to lay down my own ambitions and to truly embrace what it means to truly follow. May this be that moment for me, that I would realize the business of being a disciple -- of following You--- that it is not about seeing my own agenda realized and my own dreams fulfilled, but instead it is about seeing my agenda and my dreams crucified and surrendering them to Your Greater Purposes instead.
Vision Fullfillment
This is yet another posting that though late in going up.. it speaks of the fulfillment of the visions of EN GEDI, the quotations from Body Baliey, are interspersed with my own comments (just in case you get confused). What vision has He given you that You are being asked to hold on to??
The days are near when every vision will be fulfilled.” Ezekiel 12:23 b
"God delights in vision fulfillment, because what He initiates—He completes. A God-sized vision is what wakes us up in the morning."
Thank you Father for this word today... That indeed the days are near when every vision that you have given will be fulfilled... Thank you that you delight in fufilling visions--- that what You have initiated, You will bring to completion.
"The reality of engaging in something much bigger than ourselves is humbling and at the same time compelling. The greater the vision—the greater the faith required.Our capacity to trust needs to keep pace with the expansion of the vision. If not, we begin to feel overwhelmed, anxious and defeated."
The greater the vision- the greater the faith required... this really feels like You are talking to me Daddy, that this vision with chris and en gedi and passion just seems to have become larger and larger and meanwhile it feels like my capatcity to trust has not truly kept pace with the expansion of this vision and that is why I feel like I'm walking around feeling so overwhelmed, anxious, and defeated.
"This is why it is critical to follow God’s vision for your life and not your own contrived one. God’s vision for you will always have the tension between trust and terror. His vision will wake you up in the middle of the night in wonder. I wonder if there will be enough money. I wonder if this will work. I wonder if we have the right people to pull off the next phase of growth. I wonder. I wonder. I wonder. Do your wonders worry you?"
Father, the deep desire of my heart, below all of the superflous stuff, is a desire to follow Your vision for my life and not to contrive my own.
"Moreover, let the wonder of Christ’s provision consume you and these other wonders will pale in comparison. Say in your heart, 'God, because your provision is wonderful I will wait on you to provide. I will not force things to happen in my timing.' It is the wonder of God and His timing that you can trust. The Lord is never late and rarely early, therefore, He can be trusted. His vision is fulfilled in His way, in His will and in His timing."
God because Your provision is wonderful I will wait on you to provide. I will not force things to happen in my timing... instead I will rest in Your truth and love towards me, knowing that Your ways and thoughts towards me are for my benifit and not for my harm. You indeed are never late... You can be trusted... I confess these truths to You again. Your vision will be fulfilled in Your way, in Your Will and in Your timing.
"Furthermore, His will is not a half-baked vision. It is one that comes to full fruition in all of its facets. He already has the people, money and resources needed to fulfill your vision. Perhaps He is waiting on your character to grow and mature. You need a make over from the Master. Your current character may lack the capacity to handle the success and responsibility that awaits His great vision for you. Let Christ mold you into His vision bearer."
This vision is not a half-baked vision... it IS one of many facets, and I DO believe that it will come to be on every side as you have shown me. You already have in place the people, money, and resources needed to fulfill this vision. Mold me into Your vision bearer, whatever that looks like LORD.
"Hold your vision with an open hand and pray. Your big idea may need to be expanded beyond a small scenario. Do not base your vision of what has been done in the past. Define your vision by what God can do in the future. Heaven’s infinite resources are the only limitations for the man or woman wholly submitted and obedient to the Lord."
I hold this vision with open hands and pray. Let me not base my vision in what has been done in the past... but instead base it on what you CAN do in the Future.
"You may need to keep your vision between you and God. Others may not be ready yet, or they may try to talk you out of following this God-sized assignment. Pray about it. Stay focused by faith on what needs to happen next. Do not get stuck in the inertia of what needs to happen in the end. Be faithful today and tomorrow will take care of itself."
Show me what is meant to be kept between me and You. Give me Faith, Vision, and Courage to follow You on the God-sized assignment. Keep me focused and praying on what needs to happen next, not allowing myself to get stuck int he inertia of what needs to happen in the end. Keep me faithful today, that tomorrow will take care of itself.
"Patience and faith are two key ingredients in a vision’s recipe. Over time glimpses of what’s to come will compel you forward. Stay tethered to trust in Jesus. Be humble and bold in the power of the Holy Spirit. Vision fulfillment is His expertise. In God’s mind the vision is already fulfilled. So—trust Him—enjoy the process—see the vision unfold."
As You continue to unfold this vision to me... giving me glimpses of what's to come, give me patience and faith to compel me forward. Keep me tethered to trust in You. Give me humbleness and boldness in the power of the Holy Spirit. Vision fufillment is your expertise.... Help me to trust You.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).
"Is my vision God-sized and will I remain faithful, even when the vision seems dead?"
- Boyd Bailey, Family Christian Stores Daily Devotional
The days are near when every vision will be fulfilled.” Ezekiel 12:23 b
"God delights in vision fulfillment, because what He initiates—He completes. A God-sized vision is what wakes us up in the morning."
Thank you Father for this word today... That indeed the days are near when every vision that you have given will be fulfilled... Thank you that you delight in fufilling visions--- that what You have initiated, You will bring to completion.
"The reality of engaging in something much bigger than ourselves is humbling and at the same time compelling. The greater the vision—the greater the faith required.Our capacity to trust needs to keep pace with the expansion of the vision. If not, we begin to feel overwhelmed, anxious and defeated."
The greater the vision- the greater the faith required... this really feels like You are talking to me Daddy, that this vision with chris and en gedi and passion just seems to have become larger and larger and meanwhile it feels like my capatcity to trust has not truly kept pace with the expansion of this vision and that is why I feel like I'm walking around feeling so overwhelmed, anxious, and defeated.
"This is why it is critical to follow God’s vision for your life and not your own contrived one. God’s vision for you will always have the tension between trust and terror. His vision will wake you up in the middle of the night in wonder. I wonder if there will be enough money. I wonder if this will work. I wonder if we have the right people to pull off the next phase of growth. I wonder. I wonder. I wonder. Do your wonders worry you?"
Father, the deep desire of my heart, below all of the superflous stuff, is a desire to follow Your vision for my life and not to contrive my own.
"Moreover, let the wonder of Christ’s provision consume you and these other wonders will pale in comparison. Say in your heart, 'God, because your provision is wonderful I will wait on you to provide. I will not force things to happen in my timing.' It is the wonder of God and His timing that you can trust. The Lord is never late and rarely early, therefore, He can be trusted. His vision is fulfilled in His way, in His will and in His timing."
God because Your provision is wonderful I will wait on you to provide. I will not force things to happen in my timing... instead I will rest in Your truth and love towards me, knowing that Your ways and thoughts towards me are for my benifit and not for my harm. You indeed are never late... You can be trusted... I confess these truths to You again. Your vision will be fulfilled in Your way, in Your Will and in Your timing.
"Furthermore, His will is not a half-baked vision. It is one that comes to full fruition in all of its facets. He already has the people, money and resources needed to fulfill your vision. Perhaps He is waiting on your character to grow and mature. You need a make over from the Master. Your current character may lack the capacity to handle the success and responsibility that awaits His great vision for you. Let Christ mold you into His vision bearer."
This vision is not a half-baked vision... it IS one of many facets, and I DO believe that it will come to be on every side as you have shown me. You already have in place the people, money, and resources needed to fulfill this vision. Mold me into Your vision bearer, whatever that looks like LORD.
"Hold your vision with an open hand and pray. Your big idea may need to be expanded beyond a small scenario. Do not base your vision of what has been done in the past. Define your vision by what God can do in the future. Heaven’s infinite resources are the only limitations for the man or woman wholly submitted and obedient to the Lord."
I hold this vision with open hands and pray. Let me not base my vision in what has been done in the past... but instead base it on what you CAN do in the Future.
"You may need to keep your vision between you and God. Others may not be ready yet, or they may try to talk you out of following this God-sized assignment. Pray about it. Stay focused by faith on what needs to happen next. Do not get stuck in the inertia of what needs to happen in the end. Be faithful today and tomorrow will take care of itself."
Show me what is meant to be kept between me and You. Give me Faith, Vision, and Courage to follow You on the God-sized assignment. Keep me focused and praying on what needs to happen next, not allowing myself to get stuck int he inertia of what needs to happen in the end. Keep me faithful today, that tomorrow will take care of itself.
"Patience and faith are two key ingredients in a vision’s recipe. Over time glimpses of what’s to come will compel you forward. Stay tethered to trust in Jesus. Be humble and bold in the power of the Holy Spirit. Vision fulfillment is His expertise. In God’s mind the vision is already fulfilled. So—trust Him—enjoy the process—see the vision unfold."
As You continue to unfold this vision to me... giving me glimpses of what's to come, give me patience and faith to compel me forward. Keep me tethered to trust in You. Give me humbleness and boldness in the power of the Holy Spirit. Vision fufillment is your expertise.... Help me to trust You.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).
"Is my vision God-sized and will I remain faithful, even when the vision seems dead?"
- Boyd Bailey, Family Christian Stores Daily Devotional
Temporary Setbacks
I get a myriad of e-mails into my inbox everyday, and as I get a chance to read through them I will read through them and will forward the ones that I want to keep or that have been especially encouraing to me... and when I don't get a chance to go through and post those entries on my blog regularly, as you can imagine they pile up quickly...
So today, I finally broke down and started the enormous task of going through literally 180 e-mails and loading them onto my blog (which you can find here) , which I believe the last posting was in mid-October of last year... so now I"m down to the nend of my list and Wow!!!... I come across this message, which I orginally intended to post on this blog, and as I skim through it's content to make sure it's still something I want to share on here, I am floored by God's timeliness in these words..... sitting here watching my best friend, who is in Rehab sleeping... a million doubts and questions flooding my mind... wondering what God's plans are for us... will we be able to attend Passion 2011 in Ft Worth only 6 days from now... will we be able to be EN GEDI to the world..or even to our church?? And God's words are loud and clear:
"They went immediately to the Jews in Jerusalem and compelled them by force to stop. Thus the work on the house of God in Jerusalem came to a standstill… Ezra 4:23b-24a
"Don’t give up. You may be facing a temporary setback, but God’s purposes will not be thwarted. It may seem as if your life is on hold and everything has come to a stand still. You have worked so hard to get to this point, but it looks like the opportunity has vanished. Hold it with an open hand, as it may have disappeared.
If so, God has something better.
It is not time to get mad, but glad. What God initiates, He accomplishes. He hasn’t forgotten about you or your circumstances. He is on top of the situation. This is a temporary setback. This is a good time for you to catch your breath and reflect on the great things He has done so far You have been running hard, so pause and prepare for the next stage of personal and professional growth.
You do not need to venture into opportunities for which your character is not ready. The last thing you want is to move forward without the depth of wisdom, patience, relationships, and operational skills needed to complete the project. The motive of your adversaries is to crush your project, but God is taking what was meant for evil and using it for good.
The unfair criticism of others is a cheap way to distract you; so ignore their insults. Immature people act immaturely. Do not lower yourself to their level of behavior. Otherwise, you may never get out. You’ll spin your wheels and becoming defensive; and you’ll get stuck. Focus on God, not your distracters. He is the one who has led you this far and He is the one who will lead you through to completion. If everything were easy, we might take God’s blessings for granted or we might forgo gratitude to God.
Lastly, the Lord knows what is best. He knows how to align everyone’s hearts involved in the project. Sometimes, there is even an ironic twist. He may eventually use the endorsement, resources, and relationships of your biggest critics. The ones who rolled a boulder onto the road may be the very ones who remove the obstacles and provide you fuel for the journey. Isn’t it just like God to turn the tables?
Obstacles become opportunities; adversaries become advocates; critics become cheerleaders; enemies become emissaries. And setbacks become a tremendous springboard for God’s will. Take heart, and keep your head up. It is darkest before the dawn. Hang in there with Jesus, and He will hold you up. Your Savior will sustain you. God’s purposes will not be thwarted, so believe it, and watch Him work.
The Bible says, 'Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it, according to your means' (2 Corinthians 8:11).
- Boyd Bailey, Wisdom Hunters Daily Devotional
Father, thank you for these words of encouragement to me today... I will not give up Lord, but instead I desire to move on with You at my side, before and behind. I KNOW that you have plans for me and for En Gedi, and I ask that you would continue to pour yourself out to me. That in this time, that I feel like I've been set-back, that I woud be at rest and at peace with You and with where You have placed me. (Prayer and post originally written to be posted on 12-6-2010)
Thank you Father for your continued faithfulness!!!! I LOVE YOU!!
So today, I finally broke down and started the enormous task of going through literally 180 e-mails and loading them onto my blog (which you can find here) , which I believe the last posting was in mid-October of last year... so now I"m down to the nend of my list and Wow!!!... I come across this message, which I orginally intended to post on this blog, and as I skim through it's content to make sure it's still something I want to share on here, I am floored by God's timeliness in these words..... sitting here watching my best friend, who is in Rehab sleeping... a million doubts and questions flooding my mind... wondering what God's plans are for us... will we be able to attend Passion 2011 in Ft Worth only 6 days from now... will we be able to be EN GEDI to the world..or even to our church?? And God's words are loud and clear:
"They went immediately to the Jews in Jerusalem and compelled them by force to stop. Thus the work on the house of God in Jerusalem came to a standstill… Ezra 4:23b-24a
"Don’t give up. You may be facing a temporary setback, but God’s purposes will not be thwarted. It may seem as if your life is on hold and everything has come to a stand still. You have worked so hard to get to this point, but it looks like the opportunity has vanished. Hold it with an open hand, as it may have disappeared.
If so, God has something better.
It is not time to get mad, but glad. What God initiates, He accomplishes. He hasn’t forgotten about you or your circumstances. He is on top of the situation. This is a temporary setback. This is a good time for you to catch your breath and reflect on the great things He has done so far You have been running hard, so pause and prepare for the next stage of personal and professional growth.
You do not need to venture into opportunities for which your character is not ready. The last thing you want is to move forward without the depth of wisdom, patience, relationships, and operational skills needed to complete the project. The motive of your adversaries is to crush your project, but God is taking what was meant for evil and using it for good.
The unfair criticism of others is a cheap way to distract you; so ignore their insults. Immature people act immaturely. Do not lower yourself to their level of behavior. Otherwise, you may never get out. You’ll spin your wheels and becoming defensive; and you’ll get stuck. Focus on God, not your distracters. He is the one who has led you this far and He is the one who will lead you through to completion. If everything were easy, we might take God’s blessings for granted or we might forgo gratitude to God.
Lastly, the Lord knows what is best. He knows how to align everyone’s hearts involved in the project. Sometimes, there is even an ironic twist. He may eventually use the endorsement, resources, and relationships of your biggest critics. The ones who rolled a boulder onto the road may be the very ones who remove the obstacles and provide you fuel for the journey. Isn’t it just like God to turn the tables?
Obstacles become opportunities; adversaries become advocates; critics become cheerleaders; enemies become emissaries. And setbacks become a tremendous springboard for God’s will. Take heart, and keep your head up. It is darkest before the dawn. Hang in there with Jesus, and He will hold you up. Your Savior will sustain you. God’s purposes will not be thwarted, so believe it, and watch Him work.
The Bible says, 'Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it, according to your means' (2 Corinthians 8:11).
- Boyd Bailey, Wisdom Hunters Daily Devotional
Father, thank you for these words of encouragement to me today... I will not give up Lord, but instead I desire to move on with You at my side, before and behind. I KNOW that you have plans for me and for En Gedi, and I ask that you would continue to pour yourself out to me. That in this time, that I feel like I've been set-back, that I woud be at rest and at peace with You and with where You have placed me. (Prayer and post originally written to be posted on 12-6-2010)
Thank you Father for your continued faithfulness!!!! I LOVE YOU!!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
The Words Escape Me
The following are the words of Lysa TerKuerst from Proverbs 31 Ministries, however they are the echos of what I feel in my own heart, with so much discouragement and disheartening words spoken to and over my life, it seemed nearly impossibale that God could use me to actually do what the deep desires of my heart were calling out for. I had given up hope. Music and ministry were just dreams to me.. something that God had cruely planted in my heart..never to bring to fulfillment...just that eternal longing for something more in this life.
Being around Passion and the Passion movement, I would feel that spark re-ignite, as I was immersed in a "culture" of people who were in love with worship, but that drive would always fade away as day after day I would go to my job as a nurse and do what I got paid to do.... and with the best of intentions, to still pursue music, the music and worship as a routine practice would everntually fade away. Songwriting came in spurts...Nothing that I wrote ever seemed to be able to express the depth of what I was feeling. I would listen to Larua Story's Blessings, or Christy Nockels Healing is in Your Hands, or Waiting Here for You, and I would wonder if I would ever be used to touch the hearts and lives that those people are able to touch with the words that God gives to them to communciate to the world.
Sept/Oct 2010 brought the formation of EN GEDI, as a group of three women (i say girls, but really we are not girls anymore, but Women), and even since the seed of EN GEDI was planted we have been challenged with financial hardships, deaths of loved ones, miscarriages, possible diagnosis of MS, pains that don't go away and the doctors can't find reason for, near-death experience requring ventilator support for 2 weeks in the ICU and extresive rehab, and while I do not know what the future has yet to hold for us, I can and I will CONFESS today, that MY GOD is a FAITHFUL GOD and that which he has started he will bring to completion. It is my prayer that one day we will be able to look back as Lysa can and say that though there has been many times that we've felt like God could never use us, whether from lies spoken to us, or lies spoken over us by those in our lives... that We will be able to stand and say "the words Escape me" as we are blown away with the songs that God brings out of the Desert and stories of those who are able to experience a true Desert Oasis with us.
"It has taken me the better part of two days to figure out how to write this post. Sometimes words do escape me.
But let me start with this…
Seventeen years ago I told someone in a hushed tone I was feeling a tug to speak and write messages that seemed to be coming from Jesus. The gal listening smiled, took my hand, and in all sincerity said, 'That will never happen.'
Thirteen years ago, I pitched a simple attempt at a book proposal to 15 different publishers. Every day for six months I ran to the mailbox with a Pollyanna smile and a thump in my chest. I’d close my eyes, reach inside, and whisper, 'Today could be the day.” Fifteen rejection letters later, my heart no longer thumped when I walked to the mailbox.
Seven years ago I showed up at what was supposed to be the biggest speaking event of my life. The arena was big enough to hold thousands. I had all my friends back home praying. I paid for an assistant to go with me. We shipped hundreds of books and I worked for weeks on my message.
The day of the big event, 11 people showed up. The coordinator of the event was stressed about the microphones not working properly. I assured him I didn’t need a microphone to speak to 11 people and walked down to the floor to spend a day loving on these precious women.
Then during the 2 1/2 hour drive back to the airport, the coordinator’s car broke down. When the tow truck finally arrived, my assistant and I realized there was no back up plan to get us to the airport. We wound up having to hitch hike to the airport several hours away.
I got home and cried.
I could go on for days telling you the hard stories. The flops and failures and fragile insecurities that begged me to stop.
I’ve wanted to quit so many times.
And honestly, I can’t explain why I haven’t except I never felt released. I love Jesus and I love connecting women to Him in deeper and more authentic ways. So, I learned to measure effectiveness in different ways than what the world does.
In God’s economy when a heart truly loves, serves and gives there is no such thing as a small act.
Sometimes reaching out to wipe one woman’s tear does more for the Kingdom of God than delivering a message to a crowd who stands and cheers afterwards. And there will be many days of quiet work where no one but you and Lord knows how much you want to make a difference in this broken world.
Sometimes, as my pastor reminded me this weekend, you have to dig a lot of ditches before the Lord sends an unexplainable rush of water to fill those blister worked places.
Please always remember that.
Please don’t ever diminish one thing you do in the name of our sweet Jesus.
Because one day the water will rush forth in one way or another. 'This is what the Lord says, make this valley full of ditches. For this is what the Lord says: You will see neither wind nor rain, yet the valley will be filled with water…this is an easy thing in the eyes of the Lord,' (2 Kings 3: 16-17).
In other words, our job is obedience in the daily ways of life. God’s job is results. When the water comes, we won’t see it coming, we won’t be able to explain it, and it really doesn’t have anything to do with us at all.
Sweet sisters, I’ve never recognized that more clearly than now. Two days ago, my publisher called to tell me on January 23rd, 'Made to Crave' will be listed on the New York Times Best Seller list.
And suddenly the words escaped me."
-Lysa TerKuerst, Proverbs 31 Ministries
Being around Passion and the Passion movement, I would feel that spark re-ignite, as I was immersed in a "culture" of people who were in love with worship, but that drive would always fade away as day after day I would go to my job as a nurse and do what I got paid to do.... and with the best of intentions, to still pursue music, the music and worship as a routine practice would everntually fade away. Songwriting came in spurts...Nothing that I wrote ever seemed to be able to express the depth of what I was feeling. I would listen to Larua Story's Blessings, or Christy Nockels Healing is in Your Hands, or Waiting Here for You, and I would wonder if I would ever be used to touch the hearts and lives that those people are able to touch with the words that God gives to them to communciate to the world.
Sept/Oct 2010 brought the formation of EN GEDI, as a group of three women (i say girls, but really we are not girls anymore, but Women), and even since the seed of EN GEDI was planted we have been challenged with financial hardships, deaths of loved ones, miscarriages, possible diagnosis of MS, pains that don't go away and the doctors can't find reason for, near-death experience requring ventilator support for 2 weeks in the ICU and extresive rehab, and while I do not know what the future has yet to hold for us, I can and I will CONFESS today, that MY GOD is a FAITHFUL GOD and that which he has started he will bring to completion. It is my prayer that one day we will be able to look back as Lysa can and say that though there has been many times that we've felt like God could never use us, whether from lies spoken to us, or lies spoken over us by those in our lives... that We will be able to stand and say "the words Escape me" as we are blown away with the songs that God brings out of the Desert and stories of those who are able to experience a true Desert Oasis with us.
"It has taken me the better part of two days to figure out how to write this post. Sometimes words do escape me.
But let me start with this…
Seventeen years ago I told someone in a hushed tone I was feeling a tug to speak and write messages that seemed to be coming from Jesus. The gal listening smiled, took my hand, and in all sincerity said, 'That will never happen.'
Thirteen years ago, I pitched a simple attempt at a book proposal to 15 different publishers. Every day for six months I ran to the mailbox with a Pollyanna smile and a thump in my chest. I’d close my eyes, reach inside, and whisper, 'Today could be the day.” Fifteen rejection letters later, my heart no longer thumped when I walked to the mailbox.
Seven years ago I showed up at what was supposed to be the biggest speaking event of my life. The arena was big enough to hold thousands. I had all my friends back home praying. I paid for an assistant to go with me. We shipped hundreds of books and I worked for weeks on my message.
The day of the big event, 11 people showed up. The coordinator of the event was stressed about the microphones not working properly. I assured him I didn’t need a microphone to speak to 11 people and walked down to the floor to spend a day loving on these precious women.
Then during the 2 1/2 hour drive back to the airport, the coordinator’s car broke down. When the tow truck finally arrived, my assistant and I realized there was no back up plan to get us to the airport. We wound up having to hitch hike to the airport several hours away.
I got home and cried.
I could go on for days telling you the hard stories. The flops and failures and fragile insecurities that begged me to stop.
I’ve wanted to quit so many times.
And honestly, I can’t explain why I haven’t except I never felt released. I love Jesus and I love connecting women to Him in deeper and more authentic ways. So, I learned to measure effectiveness in different ways than what the world does.
In God’s economy when a heart truly loves, serves and gives there is no such thing as a small act.
Sometimes reaching out to wipe one woman’s tear does more for the Kingdom of God than delivering a message to a crowd who stands and cheers afterwards. And there will be many days of quiet work where no one but you and Lord knows how much you want to make a difference in this broken world.
Sometimes, as my pastor reminded me this weekend, you have to dig a lot of ditches before the Lord sends an unexplainable rush of water to fill those blister worked places.
Please always remember that.
Please don’t ever diminish one thing you do in the name of our sweet Jesus.
Because one day the water will rush forth in one way or another. 'This is what the Lord says, make this valley full of ditches. For this is what the Lord says: You will see neither wind nor rain, yet the valley will be filled with water…this is an easy thing in the eyes of the Lord,' (2 Kings 3: 16-17).
In other words, our job is obedience in the daily ways of life. God’s job is results. When the water comes, we won’t see it coming, we won’t be able to explain it, and it really doesn’t have anything to do with us at all.
Sweet sisters, I’ve never recognized that more clearly than now. Two days ago, my publisher called to tell me on January 23rd, 'Made to Crave' will be listed on the New York Times Best Seller list.
And suddenly the words escaped me."
-Lysa TerKuerst, Proverbs 31 Ministries
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