I get a myriad of e-mails into my inbox everyday, and as I get a chance to read through them I will read through them and will forward the ones that I want to keep or that have been especially encouraing to me... and when I don't get a chance to go through and post those entries on my blog regularly, as you can imagine they pile up quickly...
So today, I finally broke down and started the enormous task of going through literally 180 e-mails and loading them onto my blog (which you can find here) , which I believe the last posting was in mid-October of last year... so now I"m down to the nend of my list and Wow!!!... I come across this message, which I orginally intended to post on this blog, and as I skim through it's content to make sure it's still something I want to share on here, I am floored by God's timeliness in these words..... sitting here watching my best friend, who is in Rehab sleeping... a million doubts and questions flooding my mind... wondering what God's plans are for us... will we be able to attend Passion 2011 in Ft Worth only 6 days from now... will we be able to be EN GEDI to the world..or even to our church?? And God's words are loud and clear:
"They went immediately to the Jews in Jerusalem and compelled them by force to stop. Thus the work on the house of God in Jerusalem came to a standstill… Ezra 4:23b-24a
"Don’t give up. You may be facing a temporary setback, but God’s purposes will not be thwarted. It may seem as if your life is on hold and everything has come to a stand still. You have worked so hard to get to this point, but it looks like the opportunity has vanished. Hold it with an open hand, as it may have disappeared.
If so, God has something better.
It is not time to get mad, but glad. What God initiates, He accomplishes. He hasn’t forgotten about you or your circumstances. He is on top of the situation. This is a temporary setback. This is a good time for you to catch your breath and reflect on the great things He has done so far You have been running hard, so pause and prepare for the next stage of personal and professional growth.
You do not need to venture into opportunities for which your character is not ready. The last thing you want is to move forward without the depth of wisdom, patience, relationships, and operational skills needed to complete the project. The motive of your adversaries is to crush your project, but God is taking what was meant for evil and using it for good.
The unfair criticism of others is a cheap way to distract you; so ignore their insults. Immature people act immaturely. Do not lower yourself to their level of behavior. Otherwise, you may never get out. You’ll spin your wheels and becoming defensive; and you’ll get stuck. Focus on God, not your distracters. He is the one who has led you this far and He is the one who will lead you through to completion. If everything were easy, we might take God’s blessings for granted or we might forgo gratitude to God.
Lastly, the Lord knows what is best. He knows how to align everyone’s hearts involved in the project. Sometimes, there is even an ironic twist. He may eventually use the endorsement, resources, and relationships of your biggest critics. The ones who rolled a boulder onto the road may be the very ones who remove the obstacles and provide you fuel for the journey. Isn’t it just like God to turn the tables?
Obstacles become opportunities; adversaries become advocates; critics become cheerleaders; enemies become emissaries. And setbacks become a tremendous springboard for God’s will. Take heart, and keep your head up. It is darkest before the dawn. Hang in there with Jesus, and He will hold you up. Your Savior will sustain you. God’s purposes will not be thwarted, so believe it, and watch Him work.
The Bible says, 'Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it, according to your means' (2 Corinthians 8:11).
- Boyd Bailey, Wisdom Hunters Daily Devotional
Father, thank you for these words of encouragement to me today... I will not give up Lord, but instead I desire to move on with You at my side, before and behind. I KNOW that you have plans for me and for En Gedi, and I ask that you would continue to pour yourself out to me. That in this time, that I feel like I've been set-back, that I woud be at rest and at peace with You and with where You have placed me. (Prayer and post originally written to be posted on 12-6-2010)
Thank you Father for your continued faithfulness!!!! I LOVE YOU!!
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