"Here's what I want: Give me a God-listening heart so I can lead your people well, discerning the difference between good and evil. For who on their own is capable of leading your glorious people?"

-1 Kings 3:9 ( MSG)

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the presence of faith."
-Author Unknown

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Vision Fullfillment

This is yet another posting that though late in going up.. it speaks of the fulfillment of the visions of EN GEDI, the quotations from Body Baliey, are interspersed with my own comments (just in case you get confused). What vision has He given you that You are being asked to hold on to??

The days are near when every vision will be fulfilled.” Ezekiel 12:23 b

"God delights in vision fulfillment, because what He initiates—He completes. A God-sized vision is what wakes us up in the morning."

Thank you Father for this word today... That indeed the days are near when every vision that you have given will be fulfilled... Thank you that you delight in fufilling visions--- that what You have initiated, You will bring to completion.

"The reality of engaging in something much bigger than ourselves is humbling and at the same time compelling. The greater the vision—the greater the faith required.Our capacity to trust needs to keep pace with the expansion of the vision. If not, we begin to feel overwhelmed, anxious and defeated."

The greater the vision- the greater the faith required... this really feels like You are talking to me Daddy, that this vision with chris and en gedi and passion just seems to have become larger and larger and meanwhile it feels like my capatcity to trust has not truly kept pace with the expansion of this vision and that is why I feel like I'm walking around feeling so overwhelmed, anxious, and defeated.

"This is why it is critical to follow God’s vision for your life and not your own contrived one. God’s vision for you will always have the tension between trust and terror. His vision will wake you up in the middle of the night in wonder. I wonder if there will be enough money. I wonder if this will work. I wonder if we have the right people to pull off the next phase of growth. I wonder. I wonder. I wonder. Do your wonders worry you?"

Father, the deep desire of my heart, below all of the superflous stuff, is a desire to follow Your vision for my life and not to contrive my own.

"Moreover, let the wonder of Christ’s provision consume you and these other wonders will pale in comparison. Say in your heart, 'God, because your provision is wonderful I will wait on you to provide. I will not force things to happen in my timing.' It is the wonder of God and His timing that you can trust. The Lord is never late and rarely early, therefore, He can be trusted. His vision is fulfilled in His way, in His will and in His timing."

God because Your provision is wonderful I will wait on you to provide. I will not force things to happen in my timing... instead I will rest in Your truth and love towards me, knowing that Your ways and thoughts towards me are for my benifit and not for my harm. You indeed are never late... You can be trusted... I confess these truths to You again. Your vision will be fulfilled in Your way, in Your Will and in Your timing.

"Furthermore, His will is not a half-baked vision. It is one that comes to full fruition in all of its facets. He already has the people, money and resources needed to fulfill your vision. Perhaps He is waiting on your character to grow and mature. You need a make over from the Master. Your current character may lack the capacity to handle the success and responsibility that awaits His great vision for you. Let Christ mold you into His vision bearer."

This vision is not a half-baked vision... it IS one of many facets, and I DO believe that it will come to be on every side as you have shown me. You already have in place the people, money, and resources needed to fulfill this vision. Mold me into Your vision bearer, whatever that looks like LORD.

"Hold your vision with an open hand and pray. Your big idea may need to be expanded beyond a small scenario. Do not base your vision of what has been done in the past. Define your vision by what God can do in the future. Heaven’s infinite resources are the only limitations for the man or woman wholly submitted and obedient to the Lord."

I hold this vision with open hands and pray. Let me not base my vision in what has been done in the past... but instead base it on what you CAN do in the Future.

"You may need to keep your vision between you and God. Others may not be ready yet, or they may try to talk you out of following this God-sized assignment. Pray about it. Stay focused by faith on what needs to happen next. Do not get stuck in the inertia of what needs to happen in the end. Be faithful today and tomorrow will take care of itself."

Show me what is meant to be kept between me and You. Give me Faith, Vision, and Courage to follow You on the God-sized assignment. Keep me focused and praying on what needs to happen next, not allowing myself to get stuck int he inertia of what needs to happen in the end. Keep me faithful today, that tomorrow will take care of itself.

"Patience and faith are two key ingredients in a vision’s recipe. Over time glimpses of what’s to come will compel you forward. Stay tethered to trust in Jesus. Be humble and bold in the power of the Holy Spirit. Vision fulfillment is His expertise. In God’s mind the vision is already fulfilled. So—trust Him—enjoy the process—see the vision unfold."

As You continue to unfold this vision to me... giving me glimpses of what's to come, give me patience and faith to compel me forward. Keep me tethered to trust in You. Give me humbleness and boldness in the power of the Holy Spirit. Vision fufillment is your expertise.... Help me to trust You.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).

"Is my vision God-sized and will I remain faithful, even when the vision seems dead?"
- Boyd Bailey, Family Christian Stores Daily Devotional

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